Honey is a food that bees produce naturally, without which it is impossible to fake. Honey is the result of the processing by bees of the sweet liquid present in plants and expressed in the form of nectar. With its high content of vitamins, minerals and probiotics, it is a complete miracle. It also offers you the nutritional properties of thousands of plants and thousands of flowers. Therefore, it is a product that has been used since ancient civilizations to heal many diseases. Honey production is quite labor-intensive, as well as growing only in natural conditions. On average, 17,000 bees need to pollinate by visiting 10 million flowers to produce 500 grams of honey. As a result of such a long journey, bees produce a unique honey content by receiving the return of their labor. The flavor of genuine and natural honey does not lead to situations such as bitterness in the throat. It comes across as fake honey varieties produced with unnatural ingredients such as bitterness, sugar syrup, corn syrup. When natural honey passes through the throat, it will leave only a delicious aroma.